Imagine it is your tenth birthday all over again. You receive all the gifts you were hoping for and a ten-dollar bill from your grandma. Once you arrive home, your mom reminds you to put your money away in your piggy bank. At once you realize there is a problem, the bank is too full for any more money. Your mom notices as well and determines it is time to get you a savings account. Organizations can be just like the ten-year old you. Once grown beyond capacity, organizations often wait too long to outsource their lockbox services. These services include caging and mail. Three benefits of lockbox services are safety of funds, confidentiality of information, and excellent customer care. The very first thing that comes to mind when talking money is the security of it. Ensuring the safety and proper handling of an organization’s money should be the top priority of any lockbox service. Another concern should be the confidentiality of their mailing and handling services. Thirdly, you should be concerned with excellent communication. Although these three areas may be of great concern, they can also be areas of great benefit to your organization. Outsourcing should not be something that hampers the overall success of the organization, but one that benefits the efficiency and security of the entity.

Safety First

As a young child, you most certainly heard the phrase, “safety first” on more occasions than you could count, the same is true when it comes to your money. One of the highest priorities of any lockbox service should be the safety of your organization’s money. Lockbox services are beneficial because they have highly efficient processes established so that every penny is accounted for on an online database. A lockbox service that works well for you should act as an extension of your organization, not a hinderance to you. These services each have their own unique process from the time a letter arrives in the mailroom to the time the deposit is sent to your organization’s account. Reliable lockbox services are audited by national companies to ensure the security of your funds…this is something that rarely happens with in-house lockbox operations. Outsourcing your needs increases the amount of security for your valuable resources and increases your peace of mind.


The rapid development of technology has made information and resources more readily available, including confidential information. As the people you serve place their personal information into your organization’s hands, they entrust you with something of great value. Not only do people trust you with their money, but they also trust you with their address, name, etc. If losing a house key or cell phone is enough to throw some people into a complete panic, imagine how big of a deal losing their identity would be to them. Confidentiality is protecting the personal information of the people your organization serves. Lockbox services are beneficial because they are a safe place for your organization’s money to be sorted and handled. Confidentiality is key in considering a company’s services. Outsourcing your company’s lockbox needs not only enhances the security of the money you receive, but also enhances the confidentiality of your client’s information. One of the essential needs of a human being is security, or the ability to trust someone or something. Being able to trust the lockbox service you outsource to is essential to knowing they will treat your information with care.

Excellent Customer Care

Customers are expecting several things when they are making a transaction…speed and a genuine interaction. A slow transaction is rarely a pleasurable one, which can taint a customer’s opinion of your organization. Lockbox services are beneficial to organizations of all sizes because of their speedy turnaround time. While banks and in-house lockbox operations can take days to process deposits, lockbox services take a maximum of 24-hours. With that speedy transaction comes a genuine interaction with customizable thank you letters and appreciation messages sent to your customer or partner. They say letter writing is a dying art, but who does not appreciate a thoughtful thank you letter? Outsourcing your lockbox services makes it possible to give your customers what they want when they want it without the hassle. Speed and genuine care are essential when handling customer’s transactions and outsourcing your lockbox services can provide just that.

MicahTek has been providing quality customer interactions for over thirty years, proving that we are excellent at what they do. If you are looking for a lockbox service, or even a call center, click here to explore the customer service solutions MicahTek consistently provides.